Opportunities for High School Students
Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience (United States)
Application closes March 2, 2020
The Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience (MPFI) offers a summer research internship opportunity for students entering their junior or senior year of high school. Students that are invited to take part will receive pay, and will “participate in research projects alongside MPFI scientists, prepare a written scientific abstract based on their research project and deliver a short presentation at the end of the summer.” The application process requires, among other components, a resume and essay response.
Summer Neuroscience Program – The Rockefeller University (New York City)
Application Closes March 20, 2020
The SNP is a two-week course for NYC high school students on the brain and neuroscience, instructed by graduate students. The course includes interactive lectures, presenting journal articles, and performing a variety of lab activities. To apply, the student must complete an online form and have a teacher or mentor complete a recommendation form. Students must be at least 16 years old to apply.
Student Research Volunteers – Burke Neurological Institute
Applications due April 1, 2020
Select high school students have the opportunity to contribute to individual laboratory research programs as volunteers, and are matched to a research program of their choice. To apply, an online application must be completed, which includes uploading a copy of the student’s transcript.
NeuroLab Program (Science Education Partnership Award)
Applications due April 1, 2020
The NeuroLab Program allows high school students to experience the common practices of biomedical research, as an active member of the scientific team. The experience “unfolds within an extremely nurturing but intellectually challenging environment that requires a full commitment on the part of each student.” Students must register for an account on the program website and complete an online application to be considered.
Opportunities for Undergraduate Students
Neurosciences Study Abroad Program – University of Salamanca (USAL) (USA, EU)
Application closes February 28, 2020
The Neurosciences Study Abroad Program includes a Neurobiology of Hearing graduate course, several neuroscience undergraduate courses, all taught in English. The program also includes Spanish language courses to allow students to interact with and learn about Spanish culture. Students must be from the US or the EU, in their 3rd or 4th year of undergraduate study, and have a minimum GPA of 3.0. An online application is required.
Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE-REU) Program in Biological Mechanisms (US)
Applications due July 30, 2020
The SURE-REU Program allows undergraduate students to pursue independent areas of research at UNC-Chapel Hill while working with graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty. Students must be rising sophomores, juniors or seniors. An extensive online application is required to apply.
Max Planck Summer Internship Program (Germany)
Application closes March 1st, 2020
MaxSIP provides the opportunity for highly motivated Bachelor and Master students to join one of the labs at the two participating Max Planck Institutes to conduct a 10-week summer research internship project. The fully funded program will allow participating students to become familiar with different scientific approaches and advanced laboratory methods. The aim of the internship program is to provide excellent students with a broad range of research experiences and knowledge to promote them early on in their career.
Summer Neuroscience Internship Program – University of Florida(US)
Application closes March 15, 2020
This paid internship “aims to support college students from diverse backgrounds who seek to pursue doctoral (Ph.D.) training in neuroscience.” Its requirements include academic transcripts, the contact information of two referees that will write letters of recommendation, the choice of up to 3 University of Florida mentors whose research is related to the applicant’s interests, and a personal statement. The program is ten weeks long.
University of Sydney – IES Study Abroad (Australia)
Application closes April 15, 2020
For students living in Australia, the IES program at the University of Sydney may be a potential opportunity for holiday months. Prospective students can explore this institution, and participate in science experiences there.