We are pleased to announce that Thomas Jefferson Highschool For Science And Technology is hosting its first biology bowlthis year! This is a team-based biology competition that will be conducted in two phases.
The first phase is an open round (anyone can sign up) with a 100 question, 90 minutes, multiple-choice assessment occurring on May 8th. This assessment happens from 4 pm – 8 pm EST, and the exam can be taken anytime in that time frame. The second round will consist of the top 16 teams from the prior round and is a tournament-style buzzer competition.
The second round will occur on May 15th, 12 pm – 4 pm EST. Both rounds will be hosted through our discord server, please join the server if you are planning on participating (links below). TJ Biology Bowl will be awarding hundreds of dollars in gift cards, coupons, and books, courtesy of our sponsor’s Art of Problem Solving, Biolympiads, and Mayo Clinic (#1 hospital in globally).
We are doing a free book raffle, for all participants. The winner of the raffle will win the newest edition of Brooker’s Genetics: Analysis and Principles awarded by Biolympiads.com. It is likely we will also have a guest speaker, from Mayo Clinic, to lecture about their experience in research in the medical field.
(Links may be marked as unsafe, but all are verified)
To sign up for the competition, use this link.
To read more about the competition, use this link.
To visit our website, use this link.
To join our discord (mandatory if you want to participate), use this permanent invite link
To participate in the raffle use this link.
Contact tjbiologybowl@gmail.com with any questions!
The Thomas Jefferson Biology Bowl Team