Data analysis in genetics

admin Solving problems

Hello, Here you will find a good review of genetic problems, including calculating probabilities and chi square.


admin Zoology

Bellow there are notes that will help you to get acquainted with chordates.Chordates are defined as organisms that possess a structure called a notochord, at least during some part of their development.

Molluscs and Annelids

admin Zoology

Hello, Here are some study material for the topics about Molluscs and Annelids. And also an excerpt from Raven Biology

DNA technology

admin Theory

 Hello there,   I am sharing with you a brief but very useful review on manipulation of DNA.

From gene to protein

admin Theory

Hi guys, Here you will find a summary of the pathway how the information coded in genetic code is translated into amino acid sequence. Let’s review DNA replication.

A brief review of genes and DNA

admin Theory

Hi guys, Here you will find some good practice problems with answers.


admin Theory

Here you will find a review of meiosis.

FAQ about biology olympiads

admin Tips and Tricks

Hi guys, Most of new students do not know much about how to take place in biology olympiad or what to read or etc. Here I will try to answer as many questions as I can and if you do not find anything, just leave a comment bellow. So let’s get started. What is the IBO? The International Biology Olympiad …

Life cycle patterns

admin Theory

Hi, Let’s review some points about organisms’ life cycles. A life cycle is a series of changes in form that an organism undergoes, returning to the starting state. Transitions of form may involve growth, asexual reproduction, and/or sexual reproduction. More about life cycles can be found HERE.,%20cells,%20protists,%20lifecycles/Life%20Cycle%20Patterns.pdf

Introduction to mycology

admin Theory

Hi, Only a few of us pay attention to one of the most abundant organisms on the planet – fungi. In national olympiads you quite often can find tasks about fungi, however, in the IBO you may be asked to classify them or choose right answers from multiple choice about they properties as well as reproduction mechanisms and structures. To …

Glycolysis overview

admin Theory

Hello, Let me introduce by far the most important metabolic process of all cells -glycolysis. Glycolysis is the metabolic pathway that converts glucose C6H12O6, into pyruvate, CH3COCOO− + H+. The free energy released in this process is used to form the high-energy compounds ATP and NADH.The glycolysis pathway can be separated into two phases:     The Preparatory Phase – in …

SDS PAGE tutorial

admin Developing practical skills

Hi there, If SDS PAGE sounds like a ridiculous combination of letters, you urgently need to decipher what these letter mean and understand the mechanism of this technique. Firstly, watch the video. Then flick through the notes. A good tutorial about gel electrophoresis can be found HERE.  

Protein Purification Tutorial

admin Developing practical skills

Hey, During the IBO practical you may be asked to perform a protein purification and then make some calculations. Thus, let’s introduce yourself to protein purification. Firstly, read the notes. Then watch a video to visualize how this process appears in a lab.

Maths in laboratory

admin Solving problems

Hi, I have already posted some papers describing how to calculate dilution factors, pH and etc. However, this handout is concise but handy for quick revision. Take a look.


admin Developing practical skills

Probably the first thing you will do when you go to the lab is to take the pipettor and measure the volume of some kind of solution. So let’s review the main steps how to deal with pipettors. Then take a look at this video. And this one, too.  

ELISA: Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay

admin Developing practical skills

Hello, Today you will learn about ELISA – Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is a test that uses antibodies and color change to identify a substance.  Here and here you can find interactive ELISA tutorials. Here is another good interactive presentation.

Transfection and Infection of Mammalian Cells

admin Theory

Hi dear, In this post you will find information about transfection and infection of mammalian cells.       Biotech vector created by freepik –