Everaise Academy runs free annual five-week long online STEM summer camps geared towards learning biology and USABO preparation.
As the organisers say, their goal at Everaise is to instill a lifelong love of learning in students. They aren’t just a contest preparation bootcamp—although their program is excellent training for academic competitions, their real objective is to expose kids to cool and interesting material they might never have seen before. To that end, they offer comprehensive, in-depth courses in math, physics, astronomy, linguistics, and biology.
This year Biolympiads.com has donated a genetics textbook to the winner of the final camp exam as well as a 15% discount coupons (BIONERDS15) to all participants of the camp which they could use in the Biolympiads shop.

If you are interested in free USABO training, head to Everaise Academy and sign up for the camp! 😉