Volunteers with Neuroscience Education, Urban and Rural Outreach and Power in Neuroscience are pleased to announce a set a date for the online 2021 Brain Bee. The competition is seeking high school students in the state of Ohio!

The competition will be on Saturday, February 27th, in a virtual format. It will have multiple sections including: multiple choice, gross anatomy and histology identification, and longer response answers related to neuroscience topics and neurological disease or injury diagnostics.
Please see the appropriate links for information regarding the FREE study text, available on our website and through Society for Neuroscience. We have Neuroscience PhD graduate students available as student mentors to help students who would like to go over the material with real-time neuroscience researchers. Reach out to osuneuro@gmail.com to be connected with a student mentor or with any questions you have regarding this year’s Brain Bee connect with 2021columbus-brainbee@googlegroups.com!
The official website: https://u.osu.edu/brainbee/