International Brain Bee 2019 in Daegu, South Korea

martyna p Brain Bee news

The 21st edition of the International Brain Bee (IBB) World Championship will take place September 19-23, 2019 in Daegu, South Korea, in conjunction with the 10th World Congress of the International Brain Research Organization. Twenty-eight competitors, each representing their respective nations, will contend for the title of World Champion through a series of five events designed to test their knowledge …

Campbell Biology 10th vs 11th edition

martyna p Tips and Tricks

Campbell Biology, better known as the Bible of Biology, is a famous book used around the world to prepare for the biology olympiad. Indeed, it contains a good summary of major biology topics and is usually a first book any aspiring young biologist buys to begin an exciting journey to the olympiad! Given its popularity, Campbell Biology has been published …


martyna p 中国生物学竞赛

全国中学生生物学奥林匹克联赛(China High School Biology Olympiad,简写CHSBO),简称全国中学生生物学联赛, 是在中国科学技术协会(主管单位)、 国家教育部和国家自然科学基金委的领导和支持下,由中国动物学会、中国植物学会联合主办,各省、自治区、直辖市自愿参加的群众性生物学科竞赛活动。目的是为加强中学生物学教学,提高生物学教学水平;促进中学生生物学课外活动;向青少年普及生物学知识;提高青少年的生命科学素质;为参加国际生物学奥赛做准备。 章程 总则 第一条全国中学生生物学奥林匹克联赛((China High School Biology Olympiad,简写CHSBO),以下简称全全国中学生生物学竞赛(2张) 国生物学联赛),全国中学生生物学奥林匹克竞赛(对外称中国生物学奥林匹克(China National Biology Olympiad,简写CNBO),以下简称全国生物学竞赛)是在中国科学技术协会(主管单位)、 国家教育部和国家自然科学基金委的领导和支持下,由中国动物学会、中国植物学会联合主办,各省、自治区、直辖市自愿参加的群众性生物学科竞赛活动。全国生物学联赛、全国生物学竞赛目的是为加强中学生物学教学,提高生物学教学水平;促进中学生生物学课外活动;向青少年普及生物学知识;提高青少年的生命科学素质;为参加国际生物学奥赛做准备。 第二条全国生物学联赛、全国生物学竞赛内容的深度和广度在现行中学教学大纲的基础上有所提高和扩展。第三条 全国生物学联赛以省、自治区、直辖市为单位组织学生参加,各省、自治区、直辖市在联赛基础上选拔、组队参加全国生物学竞赛。参赛应坚持自愿原则,不要影响正常教学秩序。 组织 第四条 全国中学生生物学竞赛委员会(以下简称全国竞赛委员会)由中国动物学会、中国植物学会共同组成。全国生物学联赛、全国生物学竞赛由全国竞赛委员会统一领导。各省、自治区、直辖市成立全国中学生生物学竞赛委员会各省分会(以下简称各省分会),每届向全国竞赛委员会报送分会主任、副主任、委员名单。各省分会的权利和义务包括: ①负责组织本省、自治区、直辖市学生参加全国生物学联赛,监督考试,确保公平竞争。 ②负责安排本省、自治区、直辖市生物学联赛监考人员和评阅试卷人员。 ③组织编写本省、自治区、直辖市有关的竞赛资料。 ④负责本省、自治区、直辖市参加全国生物学联赛和全国生物学竞赛资金的筹集。 ⑤组织召开本省、自治区、直辖市提高教学和考试质量的研讨会,担任全国竞赛委员会领导下的各省、自治区、直辖市协调会议的执行主席。 ⑥受全国竞赛委员会的委派监督和观察其它省、自治区、直辖市考试过程。 ⑦积极配合省学科竞赛管理委员会的工作。 ⑧监督和评议全国竞赛委员会的各项工作。全国生物学联赛、全国生物学竞赛具体工作分别由中国动物学会和中国植物学会负责组织,并聘请有关专家、教授组成全国生物学联赛、全国生物学竞赛命题小组,全国生物学联赛巡视组和全国生物学竞赛考评小组,负责选题、巡视和考评工作。 第五条 在全国竞赛委员会的指导下,由承办全国竞赛的省、自治区、直辖市的有关领导、全国竞赛委员会分会有关人员、地方动物学会、植物学会和当地有关方面组成应届的组织委员会(包括一名全国竞赛委员会的成员)、负责全国竞赛期间的竞赛条件、会务和经费筹备等。 信息 第六条 各省分会负责组队参加全国生物学竞赛,每队包括队员4人、领队和教练各1人,队员须由本年度全国中学生生物学奥林匹克联赛一等奖获得者中选拔产生,并在规定时间内报送参赛名单及材料。允许高一、高二学生参赛,但一个学生高中期间只可以参赛一次。 第七条 每年8月在承办地举办全国生物学竞赛。全国生物学竞赛考试包括理论和实验两部分,理论考试使用机读卡,也可有部分人工批改题目。实验考试包括植物学、动物学、生物化三部分,分设实验1、2、3、4四组,循环进行。理论与实验分数比例各占50%,并分别对理论总分和实验总分进行T-score计算,按T值后两项分相加后的总分排定学生奖项,分数相同的情况下以实验分高者为先。 第八条 全国生物学竞赛理论考试和实验考试允许查验分数,须由参赛学生的所在省代表队提出,由全国中学生生物学竞赛委员会委员代为查阅。 第九条 全国生物学竞赛的试卷不公开, 第十条 全国生物学竞赛获奖比例为(参赛学生总数):一等奖20%,二等奖30%,三等奖50%。 第十一条 全国生物学竞赛命题范围以竞赛大纲为主(已发),实验考试增加细胞生物学和生物化学内容。重点考查参赛学生的生物学基础知识和基本原理的掌握情况以及应用这些知识的能力,考查学生的生物学基本实验技能,考查学生的创造性、科学思维和分析问题的能力。 奖罚 第十二条 全国生物学竞赛一等奖获得者可参加全国中学生生物学冬令营,人数限制在18人,第十八名总成绩若出现并列,以实验分高者为先。允许高一、高二学生参加,但一个学生在高中期间只可以参加一次冬令营。全国竞赛委员会负责组织测试,从进入冬令营的选手中选出4名,作为代表参加国际生物奥赛的中国队队员。 第十三条 冬令营选拔的规则:全国生物学竞赛总成绩占10%,冬令营理论考试成绩占30%,冬令营实验考试成绩占30%,冬令营面试成绩(包括英语部分)占30%。选拔出国参赛的学生,必须身心健康,能够承担艰巨的考试任务,同时须具有团队精神。 第十四条冬令营选拔赛的试卷不公开。 第十五条 全国竞赛委员会负责完成每年参加国际生物奥赛中国队的组建,一般有领队 2人、观察员1-2人、队员4人,人选由全国竞赛委员会提名、选拔确定。在代表队出国参加国际比赛前7-10日,全国竞赛委员会负责组织将出国参加比赛的队员集中起来进行理论知识、实验知识及技能等内容的培训和行前教育。 第十六条全国生物学联赛获一、二、三等奖的学生和一等奖指导教师由全国竞赛委员会颁发获奖证书,每名一等奖学生最多可报三名辅导教师,全国竞赛委员会按教师人数颁发指导教师证书每张证书写明全部教师姓名,排序以上报为准。全国生物学竞赛获奖的选手将由全国竞赛委员会在竞赛闭幕式上颁发获奖证书和奖牌,同时向获奖学生的指导教师颁发证书。 第十七条为保证全国生物学联赛和全国生物学竞赛的公正性、权威性,全国竞赛委员会和各省分会成员在工作中如出现营私舞弊、弄虚作假的行为,将对有关责任人通报批评,取消其以后参与此项活动的资格,同时取消有关学生的考试成绩、获奖证书和保送生资格。 第十八条被处罚的行为包括:参赛学生违规、赛场工作人员失职、省级竞赛负责人失职、组织机构失职。下列行为,均属违规或失职行为。 1.参赛学生违规行为是指,在规定参赛学生应独立解题(或独立完成任务)的场合: 将不允许夹带的物品带入考场并经监考人指出后不予改正; 以不正当的方式提前得到竞赛题目或与竞赛题目有关的信息; 赛前及赛中为其他参赛学生提供与竞赛题目有关的信息; 未经许可通过用各种途径和介质将竞赛答案带入考场; 不遵守赛场规定并可能影响公平竞赛的其他行为。 2.赛场工作人员的违规或失职行为是指,在参赛学生独立解题时: 发现参赛学生有违规行为而不制止、不上报; 提前将竞赛题目泄漏给参赛学生; 不按规定为参赛学生提供与竞赛题目有关的信息; 不按规定保存和上交竞赛结果; 擅自更改参赛学生的竞赛结果; 其他可能影响公平竞赛的行为。 3.省竞赛分会负责人的违规或失职行为是指,在参赛学生独立解题时: …


martyna p 生物竞赛考的内容

大家好! 今天我要告诉你们有一个很好的教育的网站。它叫Coursera. 其优点就是你可以享受世界名校的优质教学资源,开阔视野,学到更有意思的东西。让我介绍一下生物化学课程。如果你要准备好生物学奥利匹克,我向你推荐这节课程。 生物化学是当今生命科学领域中发展最为迅速、涉及面最广的基础学科之一,其着眼点在于使用化学、物理学和生物学等方法去研究各类生物分子的结构与功能,在分子水平上阐明生命的本质、原理和规律。如今,生物化学的理论和实验技术已渗透到生命科学的方方面面,它的发展一次又一次地带动了整个生命科学的发展。 生物化学可分为结构生物化学、代谢生物化学和分子生物学三个部分。本课程为第一部分,即结构生物化学,以后还会推出代谢生物化学和分子生物学课程。 结构生物化学的内容可以说是生物化学最基础的部分,有人把这一部分的内容说成是“静态生化”。其主要内容是各种生物分子(氨基酸、核苷酸、蛋白质、核酸、酶、碳水化合物、脂类和激素等)的结构、性质与功能,特别是三类生物大分子——蛋白质、核酸和酶的结构、性质与功能。 学完这一部分,将会为你学好生物化学的另外两个部分,即代谢生物化学和分子生物学打下坚实的基础,也为你学好细胞生物学、遗传学等其他生命科学相关课程创造条件。 先修课程:普通生物学和有机化学 大纲 Chapter 1 Structure and Function of Proteins) 第一章 蛋白质的结构与功能  氨基酸(Amino acids) 蛋白质与非蛋白质氨基酸(Proteinogenic AA & non-protenogenic AA) 疏水氨基酸与亲水氨基酸(Hydrophobic & Hydrophilic AAs)  必需氨基酸与非必需氨基酸(Essential & Non-essential AAs) 氨基酸的英文缩写(Abbreviations for 22 amino acids)  氨基酸的缩合反应(AA Condensation reaction) 氨基酸的手性(Chirality of Amino Acids)  氨基酸的两性解离与等电点(Acid & base dissociation of amino acids and pI) 茚三酮反应(Reaction with Ninhydrin) Sanger反应(Reaction with DNFB) …

Paper chromatography of plant pigments

martyna p Developing practical skills

Paper chromatography is one of the commonly tested techniques in the biology olympiad. Therefore, you should be familiar with the mechanism of paper chromatography. In simple terms, chromatography involves the separation of chemical mixtures into individual components. Each chemical has a characteristic Rf value which describes the speed at which the molecule moves over the paper in comparison with the velocity of …

What is the Canadian Biology Olympiad?

martyna p Tips and Tricks

The Canadian Biology Olympiad/Les Olympiades Canadiennes de Biologie was established in 2004. The official website is Invitation letters for the particiapation in the CBO competition are sent to school teachers in early January. Teachers and students can also to go to the Canadian Biology Olympiad webpage ( for details about registration and upcoming dates and deadlines. Organization, structure, categories …

Which MIT Open Courseware courses are the best for the Biology Olympiad?

martyna p Tips and Tricks

Problem solving is a crucial part of the biology olympiad. If you look at the most recent exams of, for instance, the International Biology Olympiad (IBO), you’ll notice that many questions revolve around data interpretation and analysis of a range of different biological experiments. Reading Campbell will only give you a solid foundation of basic biology knowledge, but if you want …

How to prepare for the Australian Biology Olympiad?

martyna p Australian Science Olympiad Competition, Tips and Tricks

Established since: 1992 Website:    The Australian Biology Olympiad is promoted via the Australian Science Innovations (ASI) website Teachers are required to register all students who intend to partake in the competition. Teachers and schools are directly informed of the dates of the Australian Biology Olympiad Examination (ABOE) through mail outs, emails, and telemarketing.  The activities of the Australian Science Olympiads is …

How to prepare for the Indian Biology Olympiad

martyna p Indian Biology Olympiad (INBO), Tips and Tricks

Science Olympiads 2019 Please see the information brochure for more details. In India, there are 5 stages of the competition: Stage I: National Standard Examination in Biology (NSEB) Stage II: Indian National Biology Olympiad (INBO) Stage III: Orientation cum Selection Camp (OCSC) in biology Stage IV: Pre-departure Training Camp (PDT) for IBO Stage V: Participation in International Biology Olympiad (IBO) Registration for …

Most commonly used chemicals in the biology lab

martyna p Developing practical skills

The biology olympiad is comprised of two parts: the practical test and the theory test. To prepare for the practicals you need to know how to use different chemicals in the lab. Below you will find a summary of the most important agents used in the biology lab. Enzymes Phosphatases Antarctic Phosphatase DNA polymerases Reverse Transcriptase Phusion Terminal Transferase Pfu …

Notes of Molecular Biology of the Cell by Alberts

martyna p Theory

Molecular Biology of the Cell by Alberts is a recommended textbook for the biology olympiad. Below you will find a great summary of the key chapters from the textbook. If you don’t have time to read the entire textbook, check out these notes:

List of chemistry mnemonics

martyna p Tips and Tricks

Mnemonics are useful memory aids that can help you improve long term memory and make the process of consolidation easier. Many chemistry aspects, rules, names of compounds, sequences of elements, their reactivity, etc., can be easily and efficiently memorized with the help of mnemonics. This article contains the list of certain mnemonics useful for chemistry. Sequence of orbitals s p …

USA Biology Olympiad: A challenge for biology lovers

martyna p Success stories

Biology olympiad preparation is a rigorous process which requires lots of time and dedication. Below you will find an article about biology olympiad preparation experience from the USABO student. Sophomore Audrey Cui yawns as she flips through the thick textbook in front of her. She has been studying for hours, yet she still unceasingly scans the pages. The USA Biology Olympiad …

2 months before the International Biology Olympiad 2019

martyna p Tips and Tricks

PRACTICAL EXAMS There will be four round during the day of Practical Exams (16th July), each will last 90 mins. THE FOUR TOPICS (AND ARRANGEMENT) ARE: Neurobiology and Bioinformatics* Biochemistry Animal and Plant Anatomy, Systematics and Ecology Molecular Biology and Animal Physiology * Bioinformatics: offline version of Geneious Software  THE MAIN AIM IS TO ASSESS AND COMPARE: 1) students’ ability to use …

Most Useful Biological Prefixes and Suffixes for the Biology Olympiad

martyna p Tips and Tricks

Students preparing for the biology olympiad should be able to recognize word parts since they often give a clue as to the meaning of a word. Science terminology is predominately based on the Latin and Greek languages. Thus, compiled a list of the most common word parts which are common in biology. Prefix Meaning Example A a-, an- not, …

International Biology Olympiad 2019

martyna p Tips and Tricks

This year’s International Biology Olympiad will take place between 14th and 21st of July 2019 in Szeged, Hungary. The official website of the competition is About the exams As usual the questions in the IBO will be based on scientific reasoning, thinking skills, analysis of laboratory data, hypothesis testing etc. The theory exam will be comprised of 2 test papers. Each …

General Biology

martyna p Theory, Tips and Tricks Leave a Comment

The word biology means, “the science of life”, from the Greek bios, life, and logos, word or knowledge. Therefore, Biology is the science of Living Things. That is why Biology is sometimes known as Life Science. The science has been divided into many subdisciplines, such as botany, bacteriology, anatomy, zoology, histology, mycology, embryology, parasitology, genetics, molecular biology, systematics, immunology, microbiology, physiology, cell biology, cytology, ecology, and virology. Other branches of science include or are comprised in …

What are the keywords in the biology olympiad?

martyna p Tips and Tricks Leave a Comment

Biology olympiads compared to usual school biology tests and exams mainly differ in wording of the question. I bet you noticed that in olympiads, creators of the exam play with words and make the question confusing or convoluted. So how can you go about this and answer the question correctly if everything in the question looks confusing? Well… this is …

Amino acid mnemonics for the biology olympiad

martyna p Tips and Tricks

MNEMONICS FOR AMINO ACID PROPERTIES GLAMP TVIP = nonpolar, hydrophobic – Glycine, Leucine, Alanine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Tryptophan, Valine, Isoleucine, Proline TCSy-TAG – like cyborg, charged – Tyrosine, Cysteine, Serine, Threonine, Asparagine, Glutamine Acidic, there’s only 2 – Glutamate, Aspartate Basic – HALelujiah – Histidine, Arginine, Lysine Aromatic – PfTT, since they have a smell – Phenylalanine, Tyrosine, Tryptophan ONE LETTER …