To all high-school students interested in research in the life sciences:
We are accepting applications to the School of Molecular and Theoretical Biology 2021. At the school, students will have a unique opportunity to work on authentic research projects with real scientists. Due to the current pandemic situation, we are not sure if SMTB-2021 is possible offline or is going to be online like in August 2020. If the offline SMTB takes place in 2021, it will be at the University of Tartu (Estonia) from August 3 to 19, 2021. The online version will be longer, from mid-July to mid-August. Applications can be submitted from December 1, 2020 to January 24, 2021 (UTC). More information about the School and application process at: https://molbioschool.org/en/admissions/. Since 2016, the School is generously supported by the Zimin Foundation (www.ziminfoundation.org).

Souce: molbioschool.org/en