Submit Your Essays to the 2023 DNA Day Essay Contest!

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Submit Your Essays to the 2023 DNA Day Essay Contest!
The 2023 DNA Day Essay Contest submission site is now open! The site will be open until March 1 for you to submit your students’ essays and a chance to win a classroom lab equipment grant, obtain feedback from genetics professionals, and celebrate human genetics!

What is DNA Day?

It is a celebration of the discovery of DNA’s double helix in 1953 and the successful completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003, which gave us the ability to read a complete genetic blueprint for building a human being.

What is the ASHG DNA Day Essay Contest
It is a contest open to high school students around the world. Each year, students are asked to examine, question, and reflect on an important topic in genetics by writing a 750-word essay. Human genetics experts evaluate each submission and may even provide feedback to help you improve. Submission is free, and there is a chance to win up to $1,000!

2023 ASHG DNA Day Essay Contest Information:
Prizes: Three winners will receive up to $1,000 and a matching lab equipment grant, 10 honorable mentions will win $100 each. All winners and honorable mentions are announced on the Essay Contest website, ASHG’s social media platforms, and in their local media outlets.
Eligibility: All high school students
Submission Cost: FREE
Submission Process: Teachers must submit student essays online at the link the
Due Date: Early March 2023

Submission Resources: If you have submitted an essay since 2019, please refer to these instructions. If you have not submitted an essay since 2019, please refer to these instructions, View this blank submission form so you can prepare the content needed for your submissions.

2023 Question  In 2023, The American Society of Human Genetics celebrates its 75th anniversary! We want to kick off the festivities with you, the next generation of human geneticists. The theme of our celebrations is “One Humanity, Many Genomes.” In your essay, explain what “one humanity, many genomes” means to you. Please be sure to include:
– Two examples of what makes our genomes unique
– How advances in understanding our genomes impact our lives, such as current and future research into medical treatments.

Connect with a Genetics Professional to Help with Essays

The Genetics Engagement and Education (GENE) Network is made up of researchers who have volunteered to answer your questions, assist you with your DNA Day Essay Contest submission, provide classroom activities, and much more! Filter your search by area of interest, language, and location. All volunteers have indicated that they are available to meet virtually and are ready to connect with you! Connect with a human genetics professional through the GENE Network today.

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