Principles of Gene Mapping & Practice Problems

admin Theory

Gene mapping is a common topic in the biology olympiad. A genetic map is simply a representation of the distribution of a set of loci within the genome. So using the handouts below, learn the basics of gene mapping.

Population genetics: Part II

admin Theory

As you remember, population genetics is the study of genetic variation within populations. Below are some good handouts which will help you learn more about allele changes over time at the population level:  


admin Theory

Evolutionary relationships are pretty important in biology and thus constructing phylogenetic trees is becoming a part of practical exam in almost every biology olympiad. Below you will find some slideshows about UPGMA. UPGMA is a distance method and therefore needs a distance matrix. UPGMA is “ultrametric”, meaning that all the terminal nodes (i.e. the sequences/taxa) are equally distance from the …

Population genetics: Part I

admin Theory

It’s just the right time to start discovering population genetics and understanding basic concepts of the Hardy-Weinberg law. Population genetics helps us to describe how the frequency of the alleles change over time. To study frequency changes, we analyze the entire population, not just individual organisms.  You can learn more about population genetics here:  Some good notes are here: …

Molecular biology

admin Theory

For molecular biology, check out The Beginner’s Guide to Molecular Biology HERE. The topics range from The Cell to Biotechnology to Genetics. Also you can buy the book called Molecular Biology and Applied Genetics.

Gene interactions

admin Theory

A gene interaction is an interplay between many genes that can influence the expression of the phenotype.  Below you will find some useful handouts on different gene interactions: Image source: Pharmaceutical industry vector created by macrovector