More gene linkage problems

admin Developing practical skills

This is a second part about gene linkage: Some solved problems can be found in the slideshow: Genetic engineering vector created by pch.vector –

Study on the Fly!

admin Tips and Tricks

If you are tired of reading a pile of biology textbooks, I suggest you taking a break and trying alternative ways of learning.   I just found amazing records of Raven Biology HERE that allow you to study anytime whether you are driving to work, exercising at the gym, or walking to class. Students with portable media players (iPod® and …

Polygenic inheritance

admin Developing practical skills

Sometimes in olympiads you can confront with tricky polygenic inheritance problems. As I noticed, all you need to know in order to successfully solve polygenic inheritance problems is to be acquainted with probabilities and understand Pascal’s triangle shown below. Then, I share a compiled pdf with some theory and problems concerning polygenic inheritance: Also, some good exercises can be …

Descriptive statistics

admin Developing practical skills

Below you will find a file with the concepts of descriptive statistics. Descriptive statistics are numbers that are used to sum up and describe data. A useful tutorial for the biology olympiad can be found here:

Genetics problems with answers

admin Developing practical skills

Below you can find a great deal of diverse genetics problems with answers. Try to solve as many as you can and do not give up if something does not turn out right. Image source: vector created by

Mnemonics for studying

admin Tips and Tricks

As I mentioned in previous post about tips and tricks, I promised to post some good websites to find biological mnemonics. Here is a list: Try this Some are here Very useful ones can be found here Also here There are more interesting pages, however, I would suggest to search having a topic in mind for example glycolysis enzymes mnemonic …


admin Tips and Tricks

Just found an amazing textbook of genetics SCHAUM’S OUTLINE OF THEORY AND PROBLEMS of GENETICS Third edition which contains both theoretical material and most important practical problems. Buy it on Amazon or Book Depository. Image source:    Mutation vector created by vectorjuice –

Gene linkage and genetic mapping

admin Developing practical skills

Here you will find some good stuff about gene linkage and genetic mapping. Take a careful look at how genetic maps are made as well as practice genetics problems at the end.   A very useful tutorial of genetic linkage and mapping here:   Below you will find practice problems with answers More practice will never do you bad: As …

Bacterial count

admin Developing practical skills

Today it’s time to learn about bacterial counts. Amazing tutorial can be found here and I compiled that information into a slide show: You can also find an amazing tutorial here. Below you find lab report from microbiology laboratory. Another one is beneath, too: One slideshow: Finally, a good slideshow should consolidate your knowledge: Big thanks to, and …

Using logarithmic graph paper

admin Developing practical skills

During my preparation for the IBO, a few times I encountered problems with graphs depicted on logarithmic or semi-logarithmic paper. Thus, I share with you a tutorial how to use this paper. Keep checking this or any other of my posts because they are constantly updated with new information. Some good practical examples of log graphs: Big thanks to …

Plant tissues

admin Plant biology

In this lecture you will learn about plant tissues.   Here you can find some good notes about plant tissues. Image source: Plant vector created by freepik –

Plant movements

admin Plant biology

It is very important to know the main plant movements in biology olympiads. Below you can find quite good notes concerning plant movements provided by For visual information, take a look at amazing plant movement videos here. Here you can find great videos, too. Image source:

Monocots vs Dicots

admin Plant biology

It is of paramount importance to be able to differentiate between various angiosperms in olympiads. Not only classification, but also anatomical structure is needed to know. So below you can find a brief introduction to monocots and dicots: Take a look here at various plants cross sections. Here you can find almost all major plant family floral formulas and …

Plant physiology and reproduction

admin Plant biology

Recently I have found an amazing website for visual info concerning plants. Take a look here. Besides read through the notes below before every olympiad so that you can be sure you understand plant physiology. Image source:


admin Developing practical skills

Today I would like to introduce a very important point in practical part of biology olympiad. In various experiments you need to make dilutions in order to get results. So if you want to understand and learn how to make either simple or serial dilutions, read carefully the documents below. Good luck! A good tutorial about dilutions can be found …