As the premiere biology competition for high school students in the United States, the USA Biolympiad (USABO) enriches the life science education of nearly 10,000 talented students annually. It provides the motivation, curricular resources, and skills training to take them beyond their classroom experience to the level of international competitiveness. Check out “What Is the USABO?” in the toolbar above for further information about the USABO. To view the full 2021 USABO Calendar, click here.
After two rounds of challenging online exams, twenty Finalists (To view the 2021 USABO National Finalists, click here) are invited to a residential training program where they learn advanced biological concepts and exacting lab skills at the USABO National Finals. At the 2021 National Finals, Derk Chen, Judson Lam, Greycen Ren, and Albert Zhang earned the right as the USA Biolympiad Team to represent the USA at the 2021 International Biology Olympiad (IBO) Challenge II, Lisbon, Portugual July 18 to 23. The IBO is a worldwide competition involving student teams from over seventy countries.
Since CEE began administering the USABO, every member of the “USA Biolympiad Team” has medaled at the IBO. All four members of the USA Biolympiad Team in years 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, and 2017 were awarded gold medals. The USA Biolympiad Team has achieved the coveted Number 1 position in the world in 2011 and 2013. The USA Biolympiad Team received 2 gold medals and 2 silver medals at the 2021 International Biology Olympiad Challenge II, Lisbon, Portugal. The 2022 International Biology Olympiad will be held in Yeravan, Armenia from July 10 to 18.

New School Registration Principals, Teachers and Administrators ONLY Registration closes 12.10.21! STEP 1: If your school has NEVER participated before, use this registration form to add your school to the list of participating schools. After registering your school, you will be sent to the Test Administrator site to register yourself as a Test Adminstrator. STEP 2: Payment Options and Instructions:Once you have registered, please be sure to pay the $95 registration fee/school. Your account cannot be activated until the registration fee has been received. USABO Payment Once the registration fee is received, your account will be activated. You and your students will then be able to login and access the USABO resources. For a brief overview of the USABO, click the link in the box below to receive the USABO-at-a-Glance. | Returning School Registration Teachers and Administrators ONLY Registration closes 12.10.21! STEP 1: If your school has participated in previous years, or if you are a new Test Administrator for a school that has participated in previous years, use this registration form to be recognized as a participating Test Administrator. Registration renewal is required each year. STEP 2: Payment Options and Instructions:Once you have registered, please be sure to pay the $95 registration fee/school. Your account cannot be activated until the registration fee has been received. Click the box below to make your payment. USABO Payment Once the registration fee is received, your account will be activated. You and your students will then be able to login and access the USABO resources. | Student Registration Registration closes 12.22.21! New and returning students register here only if your school is participating. |
Register at: https://www.usabo-trc.org/