Plant physiology and reproduction

admin Plant biology

Recently I have found an amazing website for visual info concerning plants. Take a look here. Besides read through the notes below before every olympiad so that you can be sure you understand plant physiology. Image source:


admin Developing practical skills

Today I would like to introduce a very important point in practical part of biology olympiad. In various experiments you need to make dilutions in order to get results. So if you want to understand and learn how to make either simple or serial dilutions, read carefully the documents below. Good luck! A good tutorial about dilutions can be found …

How to prepare for biology olympiad?

admin Tips and Tricks

Bellow you can find my selected pieces of advice how to efficiently study for biology olympiads.   1. The most effective resources for studying are the ones you created yourself. So try to make notes! My personal advice is to draw as many diagrams, graphs, scientific drawings of plants and small invertebrates as you can because in this way you …

Biology olympiads: Myths and Reality

admin Tips and Tricks

Many young students face difficulty when preparing for the International Biology Olympiad (IBO). So I will try to dispel some myths about the IBO and also provide some useful pieces of advice how to succeed. So let‘s get started: If you cram all Campbell Biology, you will win a gold medal. Definitely not true. I heard something about few guys …

INBO 2009

admin Indian Biology Olympiad (INBO)

  In this section you will find problems from Indian National Biology Olympiad 2009. Enjoy! INBO-2009 INBO-2009sol