IBO Exam Schedule 2021 Due to the ongoing covid-19 pandemic, the 32nd International Biology Olympiad in Lisbon/Portugal has been cancelled. A virtual subsequent event IBO 2021 Challenge is now scheduled from 18 July – 23 July 2021. Read the article below to know more about the IBO challenge 2021 exam schedule. IBO 2021 Challenge Dates The world’s largest International Biology …
IBO 2021 Syllabus
Before going to the exam students must need to check the syllabus of IBO. The syllabus consists of complete details i.e. name of the chapter and the topics which come in the exam. The complete IBO Syllabus is given below under the table. Part I- Theoretical Part of IBO Name of The Chapter Name of The Topic Cell Biology Structure and Function …
Join the Thomas Jefferson Biology Bowl 2021
We are pleased to announce that Thomas Jefferson Highschool For Science And Technology is hosting its first biology bowlthis year! This is a team-based biology competition that will be conducted in two phases. The first phase is an open round (anyone can sign up) with a 100 question, 90 minutes, multiple-choice assessment occurring on May 8th. This assessment happens from 4 pm – 8 pm EST, …
Annual DNA Day Essay Contest 2021
ASHG is proud to support National DNA Day through the Annual DNA Day Essay Contest. DNA Day commemorates the completion of the Human Genome Project in April 2003 and the discovery of the double helix of DNA in 1953. This contest is open to students in grades 9-12 worldwide and asks students to examine, question, and reflect on important concepts …
European DNA Day Video/Essay Contest 2021
14th Annual European DNA Day Essay and Video Contest for High School Students What is the DNA DAY Essay Contest? The structure of the DNA double helix was unraveled over sixty years ago! DNA Day, April 25, is now commemorated internationally as a celebration of Genetics and its promises. For the eighth year, the European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG), will …
Annual DNA Day Essay Contest
ASHG is proud to support National DNA Day through the Annual DNA Day Essay Contest. DNA Day commemorates the completion of the Human Genome Project in April 2003 and the discovery of the double helix of DNA in 1953. This contest is open to students in grades 9-12 worldwide and asks students to examine, question, and reflect on important concepts …
USABO 2021 Calendar
What’s new in the 2021 USABO? Welcome to the 2021 USABO competition! The 2021 changes reflect the continued development and recognition of USABO where students who are passionate about biology find like-minded colleagues in the USA and abroad. 2021 USABO Changes Exams All exams will be online at one time and on one day administered by the Art of Problem …
Virtual Arizona Regional Brain Bee
Do you ever wonder what determines intelligence? How male and female brains differ? Why we need sleep? Join the Arizona Regional Brain Bee competition and test your knowledge of the brain against other high school students. The Brain Bee will take place virtually on Wednesday, March 3. It begins at 5:00 PM and will include semifinal and final rounds. High …
IYNA 2021 Right Brain Graphic Design Contest
Theme: CONNECTIONS DEADLINE: December 24th, 2020 at 11:59 PM EST Requirements There is no rubric. We just want you to think outside the box! Incorperate the theme of “Connections” in any way you interpret it. Be Creative! A single page PDF document (portrait, NOT landscape) of normal dimensions (8.5″ by 11″) Include a 2-4 sentence caption tying your work to the …
Research internship
To all high-school students interested in research in the life sciences: We are accepting applications to the School of Molecular and Theoretical Biology 2021. At the school, students will have a unique opportunity to work on authentic research projects with real scientists. Due to the current pandemic situation, we are not sure if SMTB-2021 is possible offline or is going to …
USA Biolympiad Overview 2021
On September 22, 2020 the Center for Excellence in Education (CEE) hosted an outreach webinar which can be accessed below. This informed participants on CEE Programs, including the USA Biolympiad. As the premiere biology competition for high school students in the United States, the USA Biolympiad (USABO) enriches the life science education of nearly 10,000 talented students annually. It provides …
Biology Bowl
The Original Species (TOS) is hosting the Biology Bowl on August 8th via Zoom. This competition will be a 32 round, double elimination, Quiz Bowl-styled competition modeled after the National Science Bowl and includes a $50 USD prize for the champion team. The competition will only test Biology topics and will range in difficulty from AP-level to USABO-level based off …
International Medicine Olympiad
IMDO, the International Medicine Olympiad, is an international biology competition that strives to bring together the best high school biology students from around the world for a friendly but intense competition in the spirit of the Olympic Games. IMDO tests competitors’ knowledge in medicine-related fields of biology, namely molecular and cell biology and human physiology, as well as human disease. …
Neuroethics Essay Contest 2020
The Neuroethics Essay Contest aims to promote interest in neuroethics among students and trainees early in their academic careers. The contest is held annually and is open to any student in high school or secondary school, any post-secondary student, and any postdoctoral fellow or similar early-career trainee. The contest is organized by the members of the INS Student/Postdoc Committee and leadership from the International Youth …
IBO Challenge 2020
In light of the current worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, one of our options was to cancel IBO2020 and take no further actions. However, as an alternative plan, the IBO2020 Organizing Committee would like to introduce a remotely-conducted competition where we can still provide selected students with opportunities to showcase their abilities and encounter new aspects of biology. However, since we cannot …
INS Essay Contest Announcement
The International Neuroethics Society (INS) and the International Youth Neuroscience Association (IYNA) are pleased to announce a call for submissions for the Neuroethics Essay Contest in 2020. Now in its seventh year, the contest aims to promote interest in neuroethics among students and trainees around the world. Essays must be submitted by July 10. More information on requirements can be found at https://www.neuroethicssociety.org/essay-call. …
International Brain Bee 2020
Due to the rapidly evolving situation with COVID-19, the 2020 IBB World Championship has been postponed indefinitely. Please check the official website for additional updates.
Cancellation of the IBO 2020
Official Statement from the IBO2020 Organizing Committee:Regarding the Status of the Event March 26th, 2020 The 31st International Biology Olympiad 2020 NagasakiOrganizing Committee2-1 Kitanomaru-koen, ChiyodaTokyo 102-0091 JAPAN Dear IBO Community: Thank you for your support and patience through the uncertainty and challenges that COVID-19 has caused IBO2020. After a series of discussions following the official postponement of the Tokyo 2020 …
Teens for Alzheimer’s Awareness College Scholarship Essay Contest
Contest closes February 28, 2020 Held by the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America, the essay submissions must be about how the applicant, their family, and their community is impacted by Alzheimer’s disease. Essays must be between 1,200 to 1,500 words long and include details on how the applicant has learned to cope with the condition’s impacts. Applicants must upload a transcript and …
Summer Research Programs in Neurosciences for school students
Opportunities for High School Students Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience (United States) Application closes March 2, 2020 The Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience (MPFI) offers a summer research internship opportunity for students entering their junior or senior year of high school. Students that are invited to take part will receive pay, and will “participate in research projects alongside MPFI scientists, …